- Themen
- Energiewirtschaft
- Overview
The energy sector produces the highest greenhouse gas emissions in Germany. It is therefore a key lever in the area of climate action.North Rhine-Westphalia wants to make its economy carbon neutral by 2045. A fundamental change in the energy system is needed to achieve its climate goals. The transition involves huge challenges for an industrial and energy-dependent state such as North Rhine-Westphalia.
Wind, water, sun or biomass – renewable energy is the key to a sustainable and climate-neutral energy supply. The aim of the energy transition is to reconcile efficiency, environmental sustainability and security of supply and thereby ensure a reliable, sustainable and affordable supply of energy. The transformation of the energy system is not limited only to energy production however. On the contrary, networks need to be extended, sectors must be linked in a smart way, opportunities offered by digitalisation have to be exploited and the hydrogen economy must be developed. It is an enormous feat that requires a high level of coordination. That is where the work of NRW.Energy4Climate starts.
The energy sector
Hardly any other sector in Germany has undergone such a transformation in recent years as the energy sector. It accounts for nearly half the greenhouse gas emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia, but also offers huge savings potential. A large number of companies are already working on reducing their emissions by improving their energy efficiency, vesting in renewable energy and breaking new ground with innovative solutions. The phase-out of fossil fuel and the tightening of climate targets give additional impetus to the transition. In fact, the energy sector has succeeded in cutting its emissions in half since 1990. A further reduction is needed to meet the climate targets, however. To this end, the energy sector not only needs the necessary framework conditions, but also requires the various players to adopt a coordinated and united approach.
Shaping the energy transition in a coordinated way
NRW.Energy4Climate is supporting the most densely populated German state on its path towards climate neutrality with its cross-sectoral approach. Our remit in the area of the energy industry comprises the following:
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